
alanacurtis, Korea (South)

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  • icon 18th February

About Alana...

I am an American living in South Korea, teaching English. My husband and I moved here in July of '14 and we will likely be here until 2017. Originally, I am from New York, but we settled in Tennessee. I am an avid cook, reader and photographer. One of my favorite things about living in a foreign country for a few years is all the sightseeing opportunities it affords me.

If I were asked what sort of postcards I liked best, id have to say those that came with regional or traditional recipes. They aren't common though, unfortunately. I also love landmarks, sayings and quotes and animals on cards.

I am learning to read and speak Korean, so when I can I try and find cards that say things that I can actually understand. I will happily translate on the back of a card what it says.

The symbol in my avatar is the Senri Jomen. I picked this up in Japan, because the symbol spoke to me. "Even though distance lies between you and your correspondent, this seal makes you two so close as to be face to face."

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