
Zyazyaka, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 17th Jan., 2016
  • icon Seen over 6 years ago

Receive postcards
  • icon Interested in direct swaps
  • icon русский, english
  • icon she/her
  • icon 28th March

About Oksana...

Hello! My name is Oksana, I was born and raised in the North, but now I'm living on the shore of the Black Sea, in the beautiful city of Sochi.

I'm new to postcrossing, so forgive me if I'm somewhere made a mistake.

I will be very pleased to receive your card with a story about the unusual traditions of your people or your family traditions, about the unknown and interesting places in your region. It will be very interesting, if you share your impressions of the good book of your favorite author. Perhaps you want to write your favorite recipe for cookies or cake? Tell us about your profession or hobby, suddenly I was also interested in such activities! Or maybe you want to share a story from the life that happened to you or your loved ones? Let us not be shy! I know that each of us has a story to tell!

I would be pleased to receive a postcard on a theme:
- Hedgehogs or the raccoons (drawn and photo)
- photographic equipment
- photographers and famous pictures
- Hayao Miyazaki (and the entire Studio Ghibli)
- Yuri Norstein (Hedgehog in the Fog, The Tale of fairy tales, etc.)
- space
- Crafts
- Postcards Susan Wheeler
- Painted postcard with animals during the preparation of food, tea, etc.
- sweets
- lighthouses
- Harry Potter
- Star Wars
- Books, libraries, writers
- How I Met your mother
- Sherlock BBC
- landscapes and architecture of your city

I would be happy to receive a gift card to the winter holidays or birthday.

I will be pleased to hear from you any card that you like. Many thanks!

Write on the card the date of departure and your city, please.
If you want to write your address on the postcard, I'll be happy to answer!
Good luck and happy postcrossing!


Привет! Меня зовут Оксана, я родилась и выросла на Севере, но с недавнего времени живу на берегу Чёрного моря, в прекрасном городе Сочи.

Я новичок в посткроссинге, поэтому заранее прошу меня простить и понять, если я где-то и что-то сделаю не так.

Мне интересны журналистика, плёночная фотография, литература, различные виды творчества. Я люблю ёжиков и енотов, они такие милые. Обожаю мультфильмы Хаяо Миядзаки и Юрия Норштейна. Они просто гении мультипликации! Мне нравятся книги – хорошие и разные. Их, как правило, много не бывает! Мне нравятся завораживающие космические пейзажи! Я люблю сладкое и люблю готовить сладости и десерты.

Пожалуйста, поставьте на открытке дату отправления и укажите ваш город)

Спасибо, что нашли время прочитать этот текст! Желаю хорошего настроения!

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