
XuYue, China
  • country China
  • Member since Joined 21st Jun., 2016
  • icon Seen over 4 years ago

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About XuYue...

Hello, My name is Xu Yue.Yue is my name , means happy in Chinese, .I live in Beijing, hoping to receive the card in all countries on this planet :)
(Please handwriting)

I also collected bookmarks and refrigerator.

My favorite topics:
1. Ballet
- Shoes
- Actor
- Drawing, painting, illustration
- Drama
All all and ballet.

2. Geography
- Forest
- Lake
- Plant
- Map

3. Food
- Bread
- Coffee
- Cakes
- Vegetables, fruits
- Your traditional food

4. astronomical
- Planetary
- The Universe
- Constellation

5. Art
- Literature Illustration
- Paintings, drawings, and illustrations
- Photography

6. building
- Lodge , Villa - Church
- Former residence
- Museums
- Theater
- Library

7. household items
- Tableware
- Furniture
- Toys ( Doll of Marina Bychkova)
- Books

8. Culture
- The history of your area
- Traditions, customs, festivals
- Myth, fable, fairy tale
- Traditional costumes, food

9. Personas
- Poet (especially Marina Tsvetaeva and Анна Ахматова)
- Writer
- Scientists (Albert Einstein)
- Painter
- Movie Star (Also includes a cartoon star, such as triazolam, Mickey Mouse, teddy bears, if you come from Russia, смешные шарики)

All in all you think is interesting

Each card is the world's most special to me . Receive a card from you is a miracle!

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