
Wildenfrau, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 25th Oct., 2016
  • icon Seen over 4 years ago

Receive postcards

About Varvara...

Hi! I'm so happy to be here =)

My name is Varvara. I live in a small town near Moscow and every weekend we go to our cutest country house - my husband and i want to be farmers in the nearest future.
I work as an internet service manager, but soon i'll complete my studies and become a teacher at junior school.
I'm fond of all handmade styles, reading books and llistening to rock, jazz and classical musiс: I like cooking and flower-growing (orchids). Yet, I like to travell both throughout Russia and worldwide. I always send cards to my family from every country or town )

I've always dreamed of postcrossing so i'll be happy to receive all kinds of cards from you)))) Of course i have some types which I prefer most off all:
* crayon or water-painting cards
* vintage, "art nouveau"
* cards with Wondeful Hilda (Duane Bryers)
* "Gibson girls" ; Nell Brinkley
* cards with abstract design
* touristic pictorial postcards or cards with some interesting or historical facts about different countries.
* mythology of your country
* funny or crazy colourful cards
* Moomins =))))

Please, no envelops)

If you don't know what to write:
- name your favourite recipe or meal (i'll try to cook it) ;
- write a passage/sentence from a favourite book, or simply specify its name and author;
- tell smth about your favourite place in your city/country.

I'll be really happy if we'll continue to communicate after exchanging postcards) You can write you adress or nick in instagram.

Happy postcrossing and wonderful new cards to you)

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