
Wai2le, Lithuania
  • country Lithuania
  • Member since Joined 25th Feb., 2010
  • icon Seen 19 days ago

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icon icon icon Sent postcards on World Postcard Day in 2023WPD 50th on sent postcards from 44th on longest distance from

About Vaida...

Labas ("hello" in Lithuanian)

My name is Vaida. I'm from the small green country in Europe, by the Baltic sea called Lithuania. I like reading, dancing, photography, scrapbooking, traveling and fishing. Sometimes I write poetry or random thoughts. I enjoy listening to rock and metal music \m/ Cooking is one of my hobbies too.
It doesn't really matter what kind of postcard you'll send me, I welcome all kinds of postcards, but of course I have a couple of wishes too :) Here they are, but please, at first check my collection to avoid duplicates: https://www.flickr.com/photos/108731858@N08/collections/

* All postcards from my FAVORITES: http://www.postcrossing.com/user/Wai2le/gallery/favourites

* ILLUSTRATED FOXES: https://www.flickr.com/photos/108731858@N08/sets/72157637661474065/

* LIFE ON THE HEAD: https://www.flickr.com/photos/108731858@N08/sets/72157650777570269/

* FISHING (illustrated postcards like these: http://www.flickr.com/photos/108731858@N08/sets/72157640498251985/ )

* Illustrated CHRISTMAS postcards: https://www.flickr.com/photos/108731858@N08/collections/72157674178120105/
* Halloween
* LouPaper, Lantern Press illustration
* Tausendschön
* Illustrated zodiac signs
* Rolf Lidberg trolls
* Illustrated lighthouse, train, windmill
* Illustrated birds
* Tea, coffee, sweets (cupcakes, macarons)
* Misstigri, Mila Marquis, Gaëlle Boissonnard, Nina Chen, Marie Cardouat, Mila Gablasova, Marie Anne Foucart
* Skulls, Gothic art
* Dragons, fairies, witches, mermaids, steampunk, creatures with wings
* Twilight saga, GOT
* Hayao Miyazaki animations/Studio Ghibli
* Alice in Wonderland, Little Red Riding Hood, Pettersson and Findus
* Keep calm
* PHQ Cards/UK Stamp Cards
* Hilda, Pin-up girls
* Antonio Gaudi, Salvador Dali, Frida Kahlo
* Illustrators from FINLAND (Inge Löök, Minna Immonen, Kirsi Neuvonen, Kaj Stenvall, Raija Nokkala, Virpi Pekkala, Katja Saario, Kaarina Toivanen)
* Inkognito: Michael Sowa, Gerhard Glück, Rudi Hurzlmeier, Quint Buchholz
* Katya Dudnik, Oleg Shupliak
* Irina Zeniuk blue cats
* Limoon
* Gorjuss
* Lennart Helje
* Daniela Drescher
* Thomas Kinkade
* Christian Schloe
* Catrin Welz-Stein
* Tanya Mayers
* Anne Stokes
* Victoria Frances
* Molly Harrison
* Benjamin Lacombe
* Jean Baptist Monge
* Mark Ryden
* Nicoletta Ceccoli
* Camilla d'Errico
* Susan Wheeler
* Marjolein Bastin
* Molly Brett
* Audrey Tarrant
* House Mouse
* Bridget Voth
* Bijde Hansje
* Max and Oscar
* Esther Bennink

If you find something related to these themes, I would appreciate it so much. Moreover I'll be glad to receive "HAPPY B-DAY" cards in August.

P.S. I'm crazy about beautiful fridge magnets, bookmarks, stickers, pocket calendars and coins.

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