
Verveineverte, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 11th Feb., 2010
  • icon Seen over 9 years ago

Receive postcards

About Ekaterina...

I work at the charity organization Operation Smile. Before taking up this job I studied photography and translation (German and English languages) and worked as a interpreter in theaters and as a freelance photographer. I was a volunteer at the charity fund "Grant life" (Podari Zhizn) and rehabilitation photo project "We live on that Earth".

I'm fond of music and musicians ;) Plus travelling, cycling, reading, dancing (classical and modern ballet, latino, contact improvisation, etc.), art, cartoons and hand-made toys. So...

I'd like to receive cards with/about:
- handicraft items
- handmade toys, especially old ones
- dance (modern ballet; Balanchine's productions)
- theater (it can be ad-cards of a performance)
- art (any period or direction)
- photography: both classical and contemporary
- cards with cultural reference (like typical buildings, traditional clothes, outstanding people of your country, etc.)

I'll be grateful if you manage to find a beautiful stamp for my card. They are sometimes a piece of art, really! But I will be happy with any card you send.

Thanks in advance!

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