
Vantiani, Indonesia
  • country Indonesia
  • Member since Joined 21st May., 2010
  • icon Seen over 8 years ago

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About Vantiani...

A red gemini with ten powerful fingers making a nest inside a big house by the cemetery in the busy South of Jakarta. Loves to make stuff and doing things with her friends and foes, she needs a big glass of iced coffee cream to stay sane everyday. She would love to hear about your life in the other part of the world either its just a small, big or even really boring things.

She loves postcards with lots of colors either its art, photo, patterns, vintage or folk art. She loves a photography postcard with plants, markets, portraits, houses, fabrics and other kitschy objects. She makes postcards out of her art and pictures she took from her daily life that she loves to send out everywhere and to anyone.

Have an inspiring postcard exchange, everyone!


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