
ValeroBuzino, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 29th Nov., 2018
  • icon Seen over 3 years ago

Receive postcards

About Валерия...

Hi, I'm Lera from Kolomna!
It's not far from Moscow. I am proud of my homeland, I love Russia, its great people and nature, but I respect every nation and faith.

I am a history and social studies teacher by profession.

I have a wonderful family: my husband Ivan, my sons Luka and Miron. My husband and I were married in a Church.

I love taking photos, making videos, reading, cooking, traveling, and watching good movies.
I collect everything related to owls, I love Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, Marvel and the novels of J. R. R. Tolkien, S. Bronte, J. Osten. I also have a collection of books, postcards, and images of the Romanov Royal family.

I've always been interested in learning more about our world, countries, cities, and people. I will be happy to receive postcards from any corner of the world. Please write on them about yourself, your plans, and the place where you live.
I will also be happy to accept your letters and Souvenirs, magnets, if you want to talk more, as well as give you something in return or write a letter.

also please write a few words in your language

I look forward to the postcard

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