
ValeriiaVelena, Ukraine
  • country Ukraine
  • Member since Joined 17th Jan., 2023
  • icon Seen 6 months ago

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About Valeriia...

My name is Valeriya. I live in Ukraine in Kyiv. Surely you have heard about Ukraine because there is a war going on here. We live by these terrible events, living here. Sometimes we hide in basements from bombings, sometimes we don't even react to the sounds of rockets. In Kyiv, life goes on, and restaurants and cafes work all kinds of services. Of course, everything is not like in peacetime, we have a curfew, and every day they turn off the electricity for several hours. It happens that after a rocket attack, there is no electricity for several days. So in Kyiv. But of course not in all of Ukraine, because some cities have been wiped off the face of the earth. My family was in no way touched by the horrors of loss. God bless. But many of my friends and acquaintances suffered because of the war, and some are no longer alive. Surely you have heard all this about Ukraine, but still, I want to tell you about it!
As for me, of course, I love my country, it is beautiful, and I hope that you will visit here and see for yourself after the end of the war. My stepdaughter and I decided to start such a wonderful hobby as Postcrossing. I did this before as a student and just loved receiving and poisoning postcards.
Most of all I love paintings - reproductions of paintings, and drawings. Bright and colorful. I don't really like architecture postcards unless the image is a drawing of a building and not a photograph.
I also draw pictures, I am fond of tarot cards, I love movies, and I like to dress brightly. I love spending time with my stepdaughter, she is 7 years old. Now she shares with me this hobby, completely new to her.
Please tell me a little about yourself in the postcard.
What movie would you recommend watching with your stepdaughter? Or what would you like to see?
What is your hobby?
What is your strangest habit?
Do you have animals?
In which country did you enjoy traveling the most?
maybe something else...
We look forward to your postcard from another world and life!

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