
TattooTiff, Netherlands
  • country Netherlands
  • Member since Joined 26th Feb., 2016
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

Receive postcards

About TattooTiff...


My name is Tiffany and I am a:

* Passionate (concert) photographer
* Loves metal music and classic 'old' rock
* Visit concerts and festivals (also abroad)
* Is addicted to tattoos and piercings
* Likes meeting new people
* 'Fan' of Tim Burton and Johnny Depp
* Fascinated by castles
* Love (animation) movies (Disney!)
* Taking pictures at abandoned places (urban exploring)
* Love traveling new places
* A spiritual person
* In love with the most lovely person on earth
* Enjoys the underworld by exploring caves

I really don't have a preferance for certain cards, but it would be great if you can show me a little thing of your culture/country like castles and temples, fantasy/saga cards or something spiritual like buddha's. Just suprise me :) A postage stamp would be appreciate. Note: please don't forget to write the date on the postcard.

You can tell me things about your fascinations, culture, experiences etc. Maybe we share the same fascinations like photography, music, traveling etc.

I am looking forward receiving your card :)

P.S. I made a selfmade postcards with my photos. It would be cool If I can show you my artwork :)

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