
SweetyJane, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 15th Feb., 2014
  • icon Seen over 5 years ago

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About Evgeniya...

Hi everyone!;)
So how you can already read my name's Evgeniya or Zhenya, but you may call me Jane. I'm from Russia, Tatarstan, Kazan. There was Universiade in my city in summer 2013. And there will be 16th FINA World Championship in 2015. So exited about it!
I'm studying in the Kazan Federal University 1 course. My faculty called High School of Information Technology and Information Systems. So I have no a lot of free time, but if I have I usually read a books, go to the fitness center, go to the cinema, hang out with my friend, rarely play the piano and guitar.

I would like to receive:

- sights, views of your city
- historical buildings
- celebrities
- animals
- historical events
- architecture, art
Especially would welcome cards depicting scenes of books, because I love read!

I'll be glad of any postcard!

please write something on postcard, e.g. about yourself or your country/city, but not only "happy postcrossing"

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