
St-Joyce, China
  • country China
  • Member since Joined 28th Sep., 2023
  • icon Seen about 15 hours ago

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About Joyce...

Hi my friend. I'm Joyce from Guangdong, southern China. It's nice to meet you here wherever you come from. This is a somewhat lengthy profile below. Hope it can be capable of helping you to have some basic knowledge about me.( Don't blame me for so many 'love' or 'like', coz I'm an INFP :-)

I am a HUGE literature(peoms, fiction, philosophy are the best of the bunch for me) lover as well as a cinephile. For books, my favorites so far are Cakes and Ale(by Maugham), Der Verschollene(by Franz Kafka), Brief einer Unbekannten(by Stefan Zweig), poetries by Shelley and Charles Baudelaire, etc. I like mysteries and the movies about supernatural (for e.g. Harry Potter, Sherlock, Detective Connan, Person of Interest:) and Stranger Things) . Hence, I would be glad to know about what you're lately reading or watching and something about your perceptions on it/them.

I'm also a music nut. I have a large music preference, but Jazz, Classic, Rock are the top 3 on my list. I love Bill Evans and Chopin( also including a lot other impressionism or Romanticism musicians.) I'd love to talk about music with you. I would be sosososososo pleased if you can send me a card about QUEEN or the Beatles, the rock bands. I'm a big fan of them.

NATURE, my dear intimate. I enjoy strolling in Wind, oozing with the perfume of flowers, along with the sunset. I also love SEA, RAIN, FORESTS( but please don't send any cards about insects to me, thanks). Plants cards are charmful in my submission.

I'm a fan of travelling as well. I have been to many places in China(almost every province in China mainland) , but not so much abroad. I'd like to recieve cards of your city's landmark or something/someplace interesting. I'm glad to know about what places/cuisine would you reccomend if I come to your country/ somewhere you especially like in your city.

Others: Coffee, Skateboarding&photographing (I'm currently learning these two). If you're going to pick an art card for me, some impressionism works would be nice :)

These above are some little reference if you have no idea what to send me(or you can direct click into my wall and find 'my favorites'). However, actually, I'm okay with every type( EXCEPT AD-cards!!!). So feel free to write to me. I hope you can enjoy the process of creating the lovely surprise for me. I always cherish the moment of seeing the card in my mailbox.

PS. Could you write one or two sentences in your language, please? I'm fascinated in languages.
If it's possible, please put your card in an envelope coz it is often humid in Guangdong( there are some days very serious each year), and that would probably influence the card.
If you've sent over a month, please contact me.

Thank you so much to done reading these all. Have a nice day!

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