
SpringBreeze, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 10th May., 2018
  • icon Seen over 1 year ago

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About Mikhail...

Privet! (Hello in Russian)

My name is Mikhail (Mike in English), I am a 30-year old programmer from a european part of Russia, an average industrial city called Izhevsk (named after the river Izh) near Ural mountains that go from arctic circle in the north to Kazakh Steppe in the south for 2000 kilometers. The administrative region I live in is called Udmurtia or Udmurt Republic, named after Finno-Ugric people called Udmurt (other Finno-Ugrik people are estonians, finns, hungarians and a lot of other russian nations) who speak Udmurt language ("ud" some of etymologists translate as "meadow", "murt" means "man", so "meadow people").

Udmurtia is a hilly region, with valleys and ravines in-between. It borders a great russian river Kama in the east that flows into famous Volga river. We enjoy hot summers (+20°C) and chilly, snowy winters (-15°C) with up to half a meter of snow. Udmurtia is a very forested region, with mostly coniferous trees. The most famous fact about Udmurtia, and the reason it is called Spring Country, is because an abundance of springs. Springs are everywhere, even in the cities and towns, and most of folk regularly drink spring water.

As for myself, I work remotely as a programmer. Like a lot of programmers, I enjoy programming in my spare time too. I want to take part in Postscrossing because I want to know how people from all over the globe live and spend their daily lives. I will be glad for any postcard I receive, but if you send me a postcard with local famous places and sights, or with famous and significant people to you, be they a president, king, pop icon or congressman, it will allow me to google it and learn something about your country or your region.

Vsego khoroshego, Mikhail. (Good luck in Russian)

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