
Qiuki, China
  • country China
  • Member since Joined 28th Sep., 2012
  • icon Seen over 6 years ago

Receive postcards

About Qiuki...

你好 :)(Hello!)

My name is Qiuki, I am 22 years old. If you could write me a few words in your language it would be nice, because I really love learning new words in different languages :)

Of course you are free to choose any postcard cover you like, as I am happy about every card I find in my postbox.

But if you don't know which cover or what to write, here are some suggestions:

Send me a postcard...
- Of your favorite place to be
- Night view
- The waterfall、any aqua scenery
- Autumn and winter
- The cable car
- Beautiful sunsets
- Koala、 Wombat、Giraffe
- Harry potter
- Sherlock Holmes
- Inge·Löök《Old Ladies》

Write me:
- about yourself! How old are you? What do you do? What are your hobbies?
- something in your native language
- your favorite recipe
- your favorite book or movie
or whatever comes to your mind!

I will be really glad hearing about you!


【P.S I like Japanese anime very much!!!If you come from Japan,I'd very hope you can send these series of postcards to me:

- となりのトトロ
- 千と千寻の神隠し
- 名探侦コナン
- なつめゆうじんちょう(夏目友人帳)

- 堺雅人

Of course, this is one of my small request, you can send me other types of cards. I hope it not to cause you burden

Qiuki 】


If I haven't registered your card within 60 days, please sent me a message.

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