
PolinaYaromchyk, Belarus
  • country Belarus
  • Member since Joined 8th Oct., 2015
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

Receive postcards

About Polina(Polly)...

Hi there! My name is Polina ,Polly in brief and I'm student from Minsk(the capital of Belarus),studing Maths and Physics at BSU Lyceum.I love traveling and I'd love to visit as many countries as I can. I appreciate environment and try to be conscious . I'm curious person,like books,films and music,so you may advice me something you liked,I don't want to tell you what you should wright on the postcard (it may be interesting fact about you/your country ,story -everything,or if you don't want-nothing.), and send me postcard you would like to get for yourself
But my favorite themes are:
•folklore (traditional tails or legends of your) country
• botanical gardens
•interesting or motivating words
•black-and-white cards
•unusual animated pictures (NOT with modern cartoons like Disney)

If you don't have such cards it's absolutely ok,because I would like to receive different postcards and I would be happy to get any!

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