
OlyaYarulina, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 4th Oct., 2013
  • icon Seen over 4 years ago

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About Olya...

Hello there!

My name is Olya! I'm musician. I love my friends, good movies and good coffee.

I absolutely love these cards:
- music bands of classic rock
- scene from a films, movie posters
- film's directors, actors
- TV series
- fairy tales
- art
- The Simpsons and cartoons
- Hayao Miyazaki
- New Year's, Christmas cards
- old views of the city
- old cars
- space
- coffee
- sheeps
- undersea world
Or something creative or cognitive about your country or city!
I like letters and stamps as well ❤

I'll be happy to receive any cards. I'm looking forward your postcard! 📨

Welcome to my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/olya_yarulina/
And Facebook https://www.facebook.com/OlyaYarulina

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