
NikitaOrlov, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 31st Mar., 2015
  • icon Seen over 5 years ago

Receive postcards

About Nikita...

Hi all!

My name is Nikita and I collect post cards from all over the World,
I live in Moscow and I`ll be glad to introduce you my city and look on yours via postcards,

I`d not know how to explain which postcard exactly I like because all cards i have received it`s amazing in itself, so you can send me all that you like too,

But if I try to describe my preferences it probably are:

1/ something about your country (for example: your city, national holiday etc.)
2/ I real like retro-stile cards (it`s make me so sentimental :)
3/ war thematic, knights and castles (think all boys like it)
4/ and the most important - keep calm and just pick what you like

REMARK: If you are from USA,
Can you please send me postcards with views of your city or state or country,
Especially I love postcards with views of long highway, American motorcycles, cars, etc. (Ford Mustang 67 years racing on the highway will make me the happiest recipient ha-ha!)
I will be grateful for these kind of postcards!

I hope to hear from you soon!

Happy postcrossing and all the best!


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