
NataliaProkhor, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 23rd Jun., 2021
  • icon Seen over 1 year ago

Receive postcards

About Natasha...


I'm Natasha and I'm from Moscow, Russia.

I would be happy to receive a postcard with one of my interests, but I would also like a postcard with something beautiful on your tastes. You can write something about yourself. By the way i like mysticism. And i would be happy if you write me something mystical that you saw in your or your friends life.

Please, write something, don't send blank cards.

So, I'm a fan of Rick and Morty and Gravity Falls. I also like the films of Tim Burton and Stephen King, and really like Sherlock Holmes. Now I'm playing the video game Genshin impact and I enjoy it. If you also playing, add me UID: 715067344. I love science fiction and a dark academy aesthetic. Well, and now I'm studying to be a programmer. As I said above, I love mysticism and tarot reading, so if you send me cards with something magical, I will be glad.

And a small request, please take a pictures of postcards before sending, if you can. Because on the road they get dirty and bend.((Postcards in envelopes are welcome, for the same reason/

Best wishes!)

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