
Nadi_Chernyavska, Ukraine
  • country Ukraine
  • Member since Joined 30th May., 2016
  • icon Seen over 6 years ago

Receive postcards

About Nadia...

Hi, everyone~
My name is Nadi, I'm 21. I live in Kiev, Ukraine and I'm a student. I'm interested in reading, taking photos, travelling, postcrossing. Also I'm really interested in learning English. In the future I'd like to travel around the world. Espessially I have dream to visit China, Korea, Spain and Great Britain. I like Korean dramas (and k-pop), old movies. My favourite actors are Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Benedict Cumberbatch, Til Schweiger, Chenning Tatum, Ryan Gosling etc.
I will be happy to all postcards, but It will be incredible If you send a postcard:
- with view of your country or your city;
- famous places of your country;
- picturesque postcards with character of your country;
- old movies;
- vintage posters (retro);
- pin-up;
- cute postcards;
- postcards with panda images;
- The Little Prince;
- The Beatles;
- Harry Potter, Sherlock, Friends, Breakfast at Tiffany's etc.
Please, write on your postcard something in your native language and greetings from your country. Also don't forget to write the date~
Thank you for reading~

!!! Анна Мартынова из Саратова (РФ), ты не написала ID на своей открытке с котиком и мышатами, так что теперь я не могу ее зарегистрировать(((( Жду письма с ID!

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