
LunaAmino, Portugal
  • country Portugal
  • Member since Joined 7th Sep., 2013
  • icon Seen over 6 years ago

Receive postcards

About Diana...

Hi, I'm a 21 years old girl, who lives in Portugal and loves real mail correspondence.
I joined to this project because I prefer "old school" things and i also love to receive letters, unfortunatelly the only ones that i receive are from my school or bank letters; I saw here a great opportunitie to exchange mail, know other people, other countries and I mean everyone loves to receive a postcard.
I'm currently studying Anthropology. I've finished my degree this year.
I love indie, folk, grunge, punk, and rock music, photography (specially Polaroids, and old pics), books and old films, history and art, I'm a big (and I mean really big) fan from Doctor Who, Harry Potter and Van Gogh. I also love animals, tea, coffe and winter time. I also love animes, mangas and that kind of Japanese and Chinese "shows". I fall in love with everything which is art related.
I don't have any preference about any kind of postcards but I would like to receive postcard that would make me know something about where do you are, where do you live, or a nice picture, a landscape, but specially about something that you like, something that you like to show me. I'd like to receive anime related cards, if you can find some. Write something in your home language if you want.
Please date your card so i can know from when it is.
I'm also looking for a penpal, contact me if you're interested. (:

P.s.: How do I work with direct swaps: If I write a card to you and you answer me I will definitely answer you back as soon as I get your card and find one to you. If it take some time please have in mind that I will always answer. Anyway, you could send me a message here.

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