
LesyaPavlenko, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 17th Nov., 2012
  • icon Seen over 6 years ago

Receive postcards

About Olesya...

Hello from Russia!
I'm Olesya, I'm 16 y/o and I'm at my senior year of high school. I'm going to become a journalist. I've been interested in postcrossing since 2012 when I was 11. So it's obvious that postcrossing is one of my hottest passions. I also fancy reading, writting different stories, learning languages, drawing (I've finished art school). I can't imagine my life without cinemas, music and books. I'll be very glad if you tell me about your favorite book/group/singer/writer/film/etc.
I like every kind of postcard but it'll be nice if you send something of these:
- illustations;
- animals (owls/cats/pingiuns/dogs/foxes/wolves/deers);
- landscapes;
- handmade;
- famous historical persons;
- old black and white photos;
- catoons;
- comics;
- space and universy;
- posters of films/plays/festivals;
- Brodway/Central Park/Hollywood sign
- Effeil Tower;
- London;
- angels/demons/etc;
- covers/pages of books/magazines.

It'll be good if you write me short text in your native language and then translate it. I'm really very fond of forein cultires and languges. You can also make a fast sketch. I like everything!

If you've recieved your postcard more than month ago you may write me its ID and I'll register it. It isn't problem. I'm also interested in swap and having a pensil friend.

Have a nice day with a lot of postcards in your mail box!
Be happy!

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