
Koyamada, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 5th Jun., 2017
  • icon Seen about 1 month ago

Receive postcards
icon 2 Sent postcards on World Postcard Day in 2022 & 2023WPD

About Ekaterina...

Hello everyone!
My name is Ekaterina (or Katya).
I really love receiving postcards from people from all over the world. I like all the postcards that postcrossers have already sent me. And I'm sure I'll like your postcard too!
If you don't know which card to choose for me, then here are some tips for you:
- anime (Sailor Moon, Madoka, Ghibli, Evangelion);
- games (Dragon Age, The Witcher, Detroit: Become human, Dishonored)
- illustrations and art (if you are an artist and print postcards with your drawings, I will be glad to receive one of them!)
- Harry Potter
- Game of Thrones
- Queen Elizabeth, Princess Diana, Princess Catherine
- castle
- Japan
- United Kingdom
- food
- fantasy
- fairytales
- animals (especially cats)
- folk costumes
- recipes
- famous people from your country
I really love it when you decorate postcards with colorful tape, stickers, and drawings. If this does not cause you any difficulties, then write something on the postcard in your native language (if it is not English or Russian) and specify the translation. Thanks!
Don't know what to write on a postcard? Here are some more ideas:
- tell me what you had for breakfast today
- who would be the ideal king for Westeros? (I think it's Tyrion)
- tell me about your favorite place in your hometown
- write the name of your favorite song or band
- tell me about the book that you read last. Did you like it?
Dear friends! The war in Ukraine excites and worries many people around the world. And, believe me, there are many Russians among them.
But since February 2022, my nation has faced malice and aggression everywhere. This is expressed, among other things, through postcards - I have already received a couple of cards with rather harsh words.
Many years ago, I came to this site with a holy belief that such hobbies as postcrossing can unite us, and not completely quarrel.
I am far from politics. And I mourn with the whole world because of what is happening.
Please refrain from aggressive words and demands to stop the war in your postcards for me, and if this request is contrary to any of your beliefs, then simply ignore my address.
Thank you.

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