
KhristinaLark, Belarus
  • country Belarus
  • Member since Joined 27th Dec., 2015
  • icon Seen over 4 years ago

Receive postcards

About Khristina...

Hello everyone! My name is Khristina Larkovich and I'm from Belarus. I'm 22 y.o. I love animals and I have 3 pets: two cats and a dog. Also I love literature especially classic literature (F. Scott. Fitzgerald, Erich Maria Remarque, L. Tolstoy, M. Bulgakov for example). But one of my biggest hobbies is music. I play the piano and sing, love many music genres from classical music to rock. And I also enjoy travelling and dreaming to climb Everest someday

I will be happy to receive any postcard, but I would like you to send me something that describes you or your country. The most valuable thing for me is to understand that you have put some of your efforts and thoughts and into this postcard.

Also some of my preferences:
- Music (Jazz singers, instruments, famous bands and singers)
- Nature (Animals and nature itself)
- Anything vintage
- Good-quality hand-made cards
- Cities and landscapes
- Something connected with water (sees, lakes etc.)
- pin-up
- something special from your country which describes your culture (but n PLEASE not touristic cards)
- Movie stars (like Charlie Chaplin, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe etc.)
- Famous people
- Black and white postcards
- Anything connected with books
- Also I collect cards with odd / bizarre /strange / quirky qualities
- Any card that you like a lot

Also I would like you to write me some words for me:
- Advice about must see places in your country (I'll put it on my travel list:)
- Hobbies
- Your favorite food
- Favorite movie/song/band/artist etc. and why
- Something interesting about your country
- Some words in your mother tongue (with translation)
- A good book you've read and your opinion about it
- Anything interesting from your life
- An interesting place you have visited
- Place you would like to visit and why

Anyway I will be very happy about any postcard and about any words you send. Just put a little piece of your heart in this card and I will be very grateful.

P.S.:If you are interested in exchanging real paper letters or maybe different interesting things, let me know. I think it would be wonderful experience for you and me. It is the thing I really want to do

Good luck!:)

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