
KatePTXFlo, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 7th Sep., 2014
  • icon Seen over 1 year ago

Receive postcards

About Ekaterina...

Hi:) ,
I am Katya, I'm from Russia.I am 17 years old.
I want to travel around the world, especially in Los-Angeles, Barcelona and London.
I like listen to every kids of music. But I really obsessed with Taylor Swift and Pentatonix. I love them all my heart (if you have a postcard with them, send me:), please) When I'm stressed, I watch different films, for example, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, the Perks of Being a Wallflower and etc…
I live near Lake Baikal. Baikal - it's a wonderful place. I think that everyone should visit it.
I am for peace on Earth.
I will glad, if you send for me postcard with:
* Harry Potter and Supernatural
* Pentatonix, 30 seconds to Mars, Taylor Swift and etc...
* with views America (LA, NY, Washington, San-Francisco, Orlando and other beautiful place), Spain, Great Britain and your country
* Flags
* Disney cartoon and Disneyland
* Famous people
* Nature
* Mailbox and People
* Old picture
* Food (especially donuts, but it is not important) and Drinks
* but you can send postcard, which like you
I look forward your postcard in my mailbox:)

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