
Jenniyay, Germany
  • country Germany
  • Member since Joined 13th Sep., 2009
  • icon Seen over 3 years ago

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  • icon Finnish, English, German, Swedish, French, Japanese (with furigana), Mandarin Chinese (中文字 跟 拼音)
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About Jenni...


My name is Jenni, I am curious and enthusiastic, and I feel the world is full of fascinating things to discover. I am interested in psychology, food, good quality argumentation, languages, medicine, science and technology, and thought-provoking art, among other things. I work in IT and I'm also a stand-up comedian and a science fiction writer, and I'm currently editing the first draft of my first novel. Anything and everything unusual is close to my heart! I am originally from Finland but I have lived in Hong Kong, and currently I live in Berlin, Germany.

I'm generally optimistic and I love finding little things in life that often go unnoticed, such as a lonely blueberry in the forest, a child with a funny hat or a witty wall writing. These little things make me happy, as well as the big things in life that I appreciate, such as independence, interdependence, love, learning, safety.

I would love to hear from you, and instead of just ”I hope you like this card”, I would like to know, for example:
What thoughts did you have today?
What have you done recently that you have never done before?
What do you think most people should try doing?
What did you learn about recently that you found really interesting?

Or you could write me:
Something about yourself that many people don't know
Things you like to be creative about
A short story you can fit on the postcard
A completely random sentence that someone said to you
Or anything else you would care to share with me. It's all interesting to me, I promise :)

I like all things unusual, bizarre, weird, smart, alternative, strange, unconventional, ugly, beautiful... I don't mind broken or torn cards either - as long as it's interesting to you in some way, or you think I would find it interesting. If you have taken the photo on the card yourself, I would love to hear about it!

I'm sure all of us have cards that we've kept for some time and haven't sent anyone because we like them so much, and we don't want to send them to someone who wouldn't appreciate them. If you have one of these cards, I know I would love it! I love learning more of people, and more of you personally, so anything you find worth keeping is well appreciated!

I prefer cards fully written, stamped and dated. Text gives the card a soul :)

If you would like some inspiration for which card to pick, here are some ideas:
- anything weird, unusual, strange, interesting
- anything thought-provoking
- something missing
- something that shouldn't be where it is
- interesting food
- fine art photography
- a card with an unusual shape
- a card that evokes strong emotions
- a card that you think is ugly
- a card that you think is breathtakingly beautiful
- your favourite card or a card that has personal meaning

But as I said, I am open to everything out of the ordinary and would love to hear from you!

Have a great time :)

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