
Jan80, Italy
  • country Italy
  • Member since Joined 14th Oct., 2011
  • icon Seen over 4 years ago

Receive postcards

About Gianfranco...

Hi too all, I'm Gianfranco Prelati and I live in Rimini, Italy.
I'm a stamps & postcards collector principally of my 2500 years old city. But I collect stamps and postcards from all over the world too, so I would be happy to help you with your collections.
I'm an architect and an engeneer,so I like principally receive postcards that show buildings of your country.

Rimini is the nearest city to San Marino's Republic, so I can send to you postcards from there if you like.

I prefer send and receive postcard with stamps without an envelope: for me a complete postcard is the one who have really voyaged with stamps, postmarks and scratches!

- Buildings % Monuments
- Historical themes & places
- Traditional events, clothes or somethigs who represent your countries

I'm not too crazy about:
- self made cards
- multiviews
- ad/publicity cards

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