
Jamie0819, Korea (South)

Receive postcards

About Jungwon...

Hi. My name is Jungwon Han and age is 29 years.
I live in Korea(Gyeonggi-do). My job is office woker.
My hobby is reading and watching movies.
Favorite genre of books and movies fantasy.
And I like comics and animation.
I would like to receive card about a Sent person's country.
Or flowers, animals, history, retro, funny cards, etc. all postcards are good.
(I recently saw the movie Frozen. So If I can receive postcards, I want to receive all about Frozen. I love elsa and anna.~♥ If I can receive the postcards I am happy. But I also like to get everything postcard. ^^)
But I do not want to receive ad-cards, insects cards and handmade cards.
I look forward to your card.
Happy postcrossing! :)

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