
GuillaumeDeParis, France
  • country France
  • Member since Joined 4th Feb., 2017
  • icon Seen over 2 years ago

Receive postcards
  • icon Not interested in direct swaps
  • icon French, English
  • icon he/him

About Guillaume...

Hello everybody,

I'm Guillaume, from Paris, in France!
Ok, not really Paris itself in fact, but in West suburb, 300 meters of Paris limit to be exact... ;)

During most of the day, I'm an IT engineer working on GIS databases (Geographic Information System, softwares with maps and stuff localized on them :P ). And during week-ends and my days off, I'm a volunteer for an organization that help youths to understand and like sciences!

Since I'm a big fan of geographic stuff, I would like to ask you a favour:

If you're sending me a postcard, and if you know where the picture on it was taken, could you write the GPS coordinates of the exact place? Just put it in a corner like the Postcard ID.
If it's not a photo on the postcard, you can for example indicate the location of the shop where you bought it.
The idea is to build a detailed map of all the cards! When I will have enough, I'll share the link here. But it's just an idea, if you don't like it, just forget it...
(And if you have no idea on how to get GPS coordinates of a place, you can right-click on the exact spot on Google Maps and select "What's here?", you'll get the coordinates at the bottom of the window.)

See you soon in my letterbox!
On, in yours! :)

And, as we write in France:
"À bientôt !"


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