
Giovanniiiii, China
  • country China
  • Member since Joined 16th Aug., 2020
  • icon Seen about 9 hours ago

Receive postcards
icon Sent postcards on World Postcard Day in 2021WPD
  • icon Interested in direct swaps
  • icon 中文 English العربية ภาษาไทยน้อยๆ
  • icon he/him
  • icon 16th December 2002
    (21 years old)

About Sui...

I am 21 years old, studying Arabic at university. I have also learnt Thai language for one year, and I can understand a little.
I enjoy a lot of things, especially football. I enjoy Atalanta in Serie A best, and I also support Man United and Shanghai Shenhua. So if you would like to send me some cards about football, I would appreciate it much!
Besides, I am an aviation fan. Whenever I go travelling, I would like to pay much attention on the flights I take and the airlines I choose. I've always been hoping to take an KLM flight, and that is the most intriguing airlines to me. But I have only tired few famous airlines, like Etihad, Lufthansa, ANA, etc.
I enjoy travelling. But due to the pressure to the study, and some financial pressure, it is only available for me to travel domestically.
I do not have many requirements on the cards, so you can send me every kind of the cards. You can send with or without an envelop.
I am also enthusiastic about subways, metros and buses. So I would also be happy to receive some bus tickets, train tickets and subway tickets in your city.
I especially enjoy the city scenery of Amsterdam and the iconic "I Amsterdam" slogan. So if you are a Dutch post-cosser, I hope that I can receive a card about Amsterdam. If you don't have one, any other cards about the Netherlands are always welcomed.
I would be glad if you can write the card in Arabic, cuz I am currently learning it.
Happy postcrossing!

To friends in Arabic countries:
أيها الأصدقاء:
السلام عليكم!
إنها فرصة جميلة سعيدة للمقابلة معكم على هذا موقع الإنترنت. أنا أدرس اللغة العربية الآن وقد درستها لفترة السنتين والنصف. أعتقد أنها اللغة الصعبة جدًا. إذا من الممكن، أريد آن أعرف بعض الوسائل لدرس هذه اللغة جيدًا. أو أي معلومات عن الثقافة أو التاريخ في بلدك، أو معلومات عن الاختلاف بين اللهجات في بلدك والفصحى.
أشعر بالأسف الشديد لأن مستوايا للغة العربية منخفضة إلى حدٍ ما، وأتمنى عليكم فهم ما كتبتُها.
شكرا لكم وعاش الصداقة الصينية-العربية

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