
Foxik, Belarus
  • country Belarus
  • Member since Joined 3rd Sep., 2010
  • icon Seen over 10 years ago

Receive postcards

About Евгения...

Hello everybody!
My name is Jane, I live in amazing city Minsk.
My passion is to be on a journey. My dream is to have job which suppose globe-trotting all over the world. I'm very curious about everything: different cultures, traditions, psychologies of nations etc.
I'm picture goer and music lover. Can't imagine my life without it.
I'm fond of sports. I was practicing Karate and acrobatics, now I like Ultimate Frisbee and train hard.
My credo for today is "Find your way and live your life. That's enough" ;)
I like to be on-line with the whole world. So it's great joy to send and receive postcards! I think it should be free choice for you which card to send. I'll be exited about it anyway. If there are some difficulties to choose, you can look at my Favorites cards, and I'd like you to write a short but marrowy message on a card. Thanks!

P.S. If you are from Finland, please, send me a Moomin card :)

P.P.S. Ok, here is one year since my appearance in post-crossing. So, now I already have preferences. But they are not very strict, I just do love vintage, atmospheric cards with some people or animals on them. I like tasty, colorful and painting cards :))) If it can help for you to choose - it will be great :)

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