
Forsash3451k, Belarus
  • country Belarus
  • Member since Joined 31st Mar., 2015
  • icon Seen over 2 years ago

Receive postcards

About Misha...

A little something about Misha:
Hello! My name is Misha, I am 13. My hobbies are: POSTCROSSING, Minecraft, cooking & baking, traveling, and I also play guitar and piano accordion.
I 'll be happy to recieve cards for me. In such a way I want to learn other countries.
It could be cards with:
- nature, beautiful landscape, mountains,
- sights of your region, ancient castles ,
- animals from your country,
-nation costumes and tradition ( Christmas and New Year cards),
- typical recipes from your country,
- maps and flags,
- cars and planes
- cards from (game) Minecraft
- cards, that make fun.

Please select a card that you like.
It would be great to receive a birthday postcard from your country in December with greetings in your own language.
If you like, you can write in your own language. I'll try to translate with the help of Google.
I'll be very glad if you write on a postcard about yourself and your country. Write what you like to do.
Please, sign the date on your postcards.
Thanks in advance!

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