
EdwinHoggins, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 15th Apr., 2011
  • icon Seen over 6 years ago

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About EdwinHoggins...

Hello everyone!
I am history nerd and totally addicted with idea of creating time machine. Well, usually I’m interested in all periods. But most of all: Victorian time, Jazz age, World War II. I also love reading something about Caligula, Winston Churchill, Oscar Wilde, George VI. Also gangsters, ghosts, mysteries…
I spend a lot of time reading books and watching series. My favorite authors: Julian Barnes, Roald Dahl, Stephen Fry, Robert Cormier, William Golding, Jerome Klapka Jerome, Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, Oscar Wilde, Albert Camus, Truman Capote, Francis Scott Fitzgerald… and so on ) Frankly speaking, I prefer mystery and humorous stories, psychological novels.
My favorite series: Doctor Who, American Horror Story, Life on Mars (British), Sherlock BBC, Misfits.

I am looking for someone with common interests )) My mailbox have been empty for a long time.

P.S. I would be really happy to correspond with someone from the UK or the USA. But if we have same hobbies, country is not so important =)

Cards I like most -

1. Vintage, Victorian cards
2. Black-and-white, sepia
3. Retro, old posters-advertising
4. Charlie Chaplin! Or other persons/groups - like Marilyn Monroe, Coco Chanel, The Beatles, Rolling Stones etc.
5. Nancy Drew
6. Sherlock BBC, Doctor Who (!!!!)
7. History persons - like Winston Churchill, George VI etc.
8. Book covers (!!!!)
9. Sights of your city, country
10. Oh, please, no hand-made cards. Also I don't like very much cards with animals or abstraction.

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