
CiasteczkowyPotwor, Poland
  • country Poland
  • Member since Joined 22nd Jul., 2012
  • icon Seen over 9 years ago

Receive postcards

About Ida...


I'm 18 years old girl from Poland. I'm keen on playing the guitar (both classical and eletric) and writing short stories and books. I'm mostly into rock & heavy metal music, I'm in a band and have a guitar duo.

I'd love to receive postcards connected with:
- music and all music events (all that's linked with music)
- books
- great artists or musicians
- noteworthy and/or famous writers
- vintage cars
- artistic
- vintage
- big cities at night
- Route 66
- vintage motorbikes
- birthday cards in September

If you don't know what to write, you can just tell me something about:
- your favourite musician, band or a writer from your country and which their masterpiece you like the most and why
- your city or a country
- your culture
- the most incredibly thing about your country or yourself
- the most amazing thing you've ever done
- drescribe how you feel at the moment and why (if not too private)

I'm fluent in English but if your native language is German or French please use it instead :)

Please write the date on the postcard.

Hope you'd like the postcards you receive from me :)

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