
CarrierPige0n, Germany
  • country Germany
  • Member since Joined 3rd Jan., 2016
  • icon Seen over 2 years ago

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About CarrierPige0n...

I'm an art historian from Germany. Therefore I'm pretty much intrested in fine arts and architecture on recieved cards and stamps. I'm working on my PHD about old figurations of death.
Besides I'm collecting stamps, travel through the museums of Europe, enjoy the taste of whiskey and beer and master drawing and painting myself.

If you would share any of that, I'd be glad. You're welcome to write me in any language mentioned above!

Why don't you tell me about your favourite piece of art and what you like most about it!

PostCrosser aus Deutschland: Als Sammler deutscher Briefmarken und -karten (Dauerserien/Freimarken, keine Sondermarken) bin ich an Tausch und "Direct Swaps" interessiert. Gerne dann mehr per PN

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