
BeetleJoyce, Portugal
  • country Portugal
  • Member since Joined 11th Dec., 2010
  • icon Seen over 8 years ago

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About Rita...

Hello there!

I'm Rita, I'm 21 years old and I live in Lisbon, Portugal though I'm really willing to go on an adventure to discover the world out there!
I love travelling, learning new things, meeting new places (and of course making new friends so please feel free to write about you and your country when you send me a postcard)

As you can see I have a huge interest in other countries/cultures, so the postcards may be related to it like typical landscapes, monuments, traditions and so on... Also I have a huge passion for arts, I'm graphic designer, a photographer and currently seeking a MA in drawing /ilustration.
My favourite artists are J.W.Waterhouse, james Jean, Dave McKean... Concearning photography, Tim Walker.. I also looove video games, books (Neil Gaiman above all) and films (Guilllermo del Toro films are the best!). I am a bit of a geek myself.
At the end of the day I just love receiving mail specially postcards, specially from other countries so I'll love any postcard you send me! Also, write me! Oh and if possible send me something from your country like a coin, a train ticket or whatever you decide ;)

Thanks in advance!

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