
Astria, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 21st Sep., 2014
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

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About Astria...

Darya, 21 year old, physical chemistry engineer of D.I.Mendeleev society. I'm interested in:
-world's cultures (especially in ancient like slavian, shumer, babylon etc.),
-people in national costumes,
-all concerned Asia or Russia,
-art (impressionism, realism, science fiction, fantasy etc.),
-animals (otters, beavers etc.) and birds (especially pigeons ♡ ),
-cosplay and fashion costumes (specially lolita, cyberpunk etc.),
-scientists, invertors and their inventions,
-videogames (especially Shin Megami Tensei, Parasite eve, Hideo Kojima series etc.),
And I hate minimalism - let your letters be luxuriant and write & send anything you want: poems, inspirational phrases, photos, your favourite books, film's tittles or name of your favourite music, show the world what you are really adore! Also I love old cards the most ♥ .
I'll be happy to receive your
wonderful postcards ヾ( `ー´)シφ__!

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