
Annette-Vitalii, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 12th Apr., 2015
  • icon Seen over 5 years ago

Receive postcards

About Anna...

Hello, dear postcrossers!

We are the couple and we like travelling very much, we thought that this is a good way to learn more about other countries and the people living there. Please send ones that you think are typical of your country or hometown - be it city views, landscapes, people or else and tell me more about it, not only the name of the city and climate.

I will be really happy to get any type of postcards, but the greatest for me are:
-Wolfs,foxes, tigers and other wild cats
-Something connected with seasons
-Panoramic views,sunsets and roofs
-Cards connected with such films and series, as Sherlock, Great Gatsby, How to train your dragon
-Cute paintings
-Something funny or colorful
-Paintings of cities
-Cards with birthday theme (in the March)
- I like the postcards with the sights of your city or country.
- Something THAT you LIKE (favourite flowers, animals, books, painting...anything=)
I love postcards with beautiful nature and animals. But every card is very welcome!
I like reading your messages=) So, please, write something on the postcard. About yourself,about things that you like, which inspire you. Write about the weather. Write about your favourite places in your city (town/village): parks, shops, cafes, streets, libraries, theatres... Write about the places that you'd like to visit. You can write excerpt from your favourite book or piece of poetry. And I like cooking, that's why I will be happy to read in my postcard your firm recipe, if it possible. )

Please, write=)

На самом деле я не привередлива, любая открытка будет мне в радость. Только, пишите что-нибудь от себя. Вы можете написать мне о погоде, мечтах, планах на будущее, отрывок из любимой книги, песни или стихотворения. Можете даже поделится со мной каким-нибудь вкусным, но простым рецептом. Можете даже просто написать о том, какая у вас погода, мне будет приятно.

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