
Annasthasya, France
  • country France
  • Member since Joined 6th Feb., 2016
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

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About Annasthasya...

Bonjour tout le monde ! :)

I'm Annasthasya, I'm 30 and living near Lille, in the North of France :) (which is very close from Belgium, so I can even send you Belgian postcards, if you want :D )

I started using this website in 2016, thanks to a friend. She was already an experienced member and her tales made me want to try it.

I prefer the cards without envelopes and nice stamps, please. Oh, and don't forget to date your card! ♥

Card ideas for me:
- books, especially old editions (btw, I'm Anyssia on Goodreads too)
- dragons
- colors, especially purple/green/blue (but your card can be black&white or red, I'll still love it ;) )
- maps (cities, world, subway/railroad, ...)
- teas (yes, another tea addict ♥)
- tourist cards, if it's about a specific, not very famous object/place (like, I wouldn't be excited about the Eiffel Tower, but if you got me a picture of Carnac's raised stones alignment, that'd be brilliant ;) ) (ref: wikipedia 'carnac stones')
- Ghibli
- fantasy and/or science fiction stuff
- animals (especially guinea pigs (I have one called Alexei), serpents, (can I add dragons here? I'll do it anyway xD ), dragonflies, lizards, ...)

[To set up later: a gallery of received goods :) ]

Topics for you:
- book stuff. A favorite line from your favorite book, a short review to entice me to read a book you loved, ...
- a sentence in your own language (proverb, quote, juste something you love,...) with a translation/explanation in English and/or French
- your favorite animal/show/color/book/weather/hobbies/... and why
- something about your culture
- ...

(of course, neither card ideas nor topics are set in stone, you can choose something else! :) )

Topics/cards to avoid:
- religious messages (as in, I'm an atheist, not racist ^^;; ) (buildings, art, stuff like that are okay though)
- ads
- homemade, except if you're an artist who paints/draws (no scrapbooking)
- racism of any kind
- vulgar stuff

This person is LGBTA friendly.

I can't wait to see your card, love from France! ;)

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