
AnastyMoore, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 28th Sep., 2012
  • icon Seen over 9 years ago

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About Anastasiya...

Hello, stranger.

I am a former foreign exchange student and I really love travelling, though haven't been in much places.

I used to be in Band in high school, when I was in USA at percussion and I also played keyboard in marching band.

I adore cute little things, enjoy learning new languages. Plus, I am crazy about cats. Well, who doesn't? =)

I enjoy lots of thing, but it doesn't matter. I will be happy to receive any kind of card from you. If you make cards on your own it's great - hand-made is awesome. I'd love to hear something about you. It's always interesting to get to know new people, coz we are so different and unique. You can tell me a story from your life, a story about your pet or breakfast, or a boyfriend.

Hasta luego =)

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