
AnastaF, Belarus
  • country Belarus
  • Member since Joined 1st Jun., 2015
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

Receive postcards

About Anastasia...

My name is Anastasia and I live in the capital of Belarus.
I like fashion, beauty, travelling, meeting new people. I visited 25 countries and want to see more! I'm interested in psychology and people's habits. !

I'll be happy to get any postcard which you think will be intresting for me but my favorites:

- UNESCO cards
- nouvelles images cards
- black&white (it can be with bright color element)
- Krtek (Peppa the Pig, Hello Kitty, Winnie the Puh and other vivid ( not dull) cartoon cards for my little daughters)
- maps (the whole country, not a part. States for USA are ok)
- food (if it looks tasty and colorful)
- vivid, funny, optimistic cards
- cards from my favorite (I don't have them but will be happy to get)

I don't like cards:
- with simple animals (like dogs, cats etc.), though you can send me beautiful nature views and exotic animals in there wild life
- multiview (few images on the same card - nouvelle cards are exception), though if you think that your card is really cute I'll be happy to get it

What is more important for me than a card is your text. You can write everything- your life, day or just explain why you chose that card. I'M REALLY UPSET GETTING CARDS WITH JUST FEW WORDS LIKE "hi, happy postcrossing and bye".

Please put the date on the card.
Thank you and happy postcrossing!

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