
AnSick, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 21st Nov., 2013
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

Receive postcards

About Nadya...

My name is Nadya but my friends call me Andy (because I remind them of a cartoon character Andy the Panda).
I'm working as a software testing engineer.
Here are some suggestions for the postcards you might want to send me (but of course I will be glad to receive any postcard!):
- k-pop postcards
- korean or taiwanese drama postcards
- popular TV-shows postcards
- movies postcards
- pandas postcards
- any kind of related to music postcards
- videogames postcards
- winter views postcards
- book illustrations postcards
- London, Seoul, Taipei postcards
- postcards with views of some not-so-popular cultural places of your city
- videobloggers postcards
- any asian-styled postcards
- hand-made postcards
- night views postcards
- photo postcards

I travel a lot, so I would be glad to hear about life in your city: do you have any special holidays or events? Or maybe there's a band in your city that is not popular elsewhere but you personally think that everyone must see them? Is there any place that tourists hardly know about but it's a total must-see?
Also I would really like to meet some new friends from other countries so that would be great to hear about your life. I would really appreciate if you wrote something in your native language(and I promiss to googletranslate it), foreign languages warm up my heart, really.
If you're not in the mood of writing a story about yourself or your country you can always satisfy me with a good quotation.
If you still can't decide which postcard to send you can contact me on facebook(link is in my profile above) and discuss this topic with me! Also I'd be very glad if you just decided to chat with me, I'm usually in my talkative mood :)
Can't wait for your postcards!

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