
AlenaShashko, Belarus
  • country Belarus
  • Member since Joined 16th Feb., 2011
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

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About Alena...

Hana Breburdova from Czech Republic, write me your ID of card. You missed it.


I'm a future billionaire, famous bussiness-coach. If you are interested in this story how, you're welcome to ask me on cards.
I'm in love with life: people, emotions, impressions, possibilities, stories, trips. More and more life from day to day!
Why did I join Postcrossing? It's a cool way to learn people, meet people. If you're opened for new friends, I'll be happy to present you my life and learn yours. Of course, I collect cards and views. May be one day I'll make a map of cards.
I prefer cards
- national (maps, landscapes, view, places of fame etc)
- food and recipes
- unusual
- Comics heroes (Marvel, DC-Comics etc.)
- sports (I'm a fan, so my collection has a specific direction)
- cars
- people
- winter and autumn views (I like colored trees and mountines)
- national symbols (fairy persons, legends, flags, animals etc)
- holiday (b-day, Christmas, Day of Independence... what's ever you have in your country).

Please, write the city from where you are and date of sending.

For american postcrossers - send me cards with landscapes & views of your state or city, please! Write back about symbols of state, city or any story you wish (animals, Road 66, Rangers from Texas etc). I wanna to create a map of 50 cards :P Don't forget to write your state and city ;)

Hope to here from you soon!
Happy postcrossing
Best, Alena Shashko

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