
Agola, Poland
  • country Poland
  • Member since Joined 23rd Oct., 2014
  • icon Seen over 3 years ago

Receive postcards
  • icon Interested in direct swaps
  • icon Polish, English, Czech, little Japanese
  • icon she/her

About Agnieszka...

Hello my name is Agnieszka and I'm from Poland ;)
I collect postcards from 3 years.
I collect cards only with views on:
*capital city
*view on sea etc.

** if you have card from rare country you can send (not must from origin country)

- If you from USA and you choose me that to send card, if is possible send me card state capitals who is missing in my collecct

* Montgomey
* Juneau
* Phoenix
* Little Rock
* Hartford
* Pierre
* Bismarck
* Tallahassee
* Atlanta
* Honolulu
* Boise
* Springfield
* Indianapolis
* Des Moines
* Sacramento
* Topeka
* Columbia
* Raleigh
* Baton Rouge
* Augusta
* Annapolis
* Boston
* Jackson
* Jefferson City
* Helena
* Lincoln
* Carson City
* Concord
* Trenton
* Albany
* Santa Fe
* Columbus
* Oklahoma City
* Salem
* Harissburg
* Providence
* Austin
* Nashville
* Salt Lake City
* Monpelier
* Olympia
* Richmond
* Madison
* Cheyenne

If you want send me a card in envolope and if you can add something eg. tea bag and coffee (I love tea and coffee)

PLEASE DON'T send me cards with flowers, animals, painting, arts, etc. ;)

- If you can, add on postcard nice stamps ;)


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