ANASTASIA2208, Russia
  • country Russia
  • Member since Joined 15th Jan., 2013
  • icon Seen over 9 years ago

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About Anastasiya...

I am a student of the faculty of Bioecology. I like nature, animals, plants and beautiful landscape. I very like travelling!
I want to visit many European countries, India, Canada and Australia. And I want to work with international conservation organizations such as WWF. In addition to studying I work at the Children's Ecological Center and I'm a dancer of tribal dances (this is style of Oriental, Indian and modern dances). I like sport and needlework.

I would be very interested get a postcard, which depicts sights of your country (I like castles!), beautiful landscape, mapcards, national parks and the animals that live in your country.

I want to learn something interesting about your country.
Please, write me a some words on your native language.

I will be very glad if you add me on facebook:!

I wish you all the best!
Happy Postcrossing!

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