Postcard BE-890157

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Pattern Box: 100 Postcards by Ten Contemporary Pattern Designers. Brittany Keats Cerullo, 2013
147, Russia
147 said:
posted 4 months ago

Pattern Box: 100 Postcards by Ten Contemporary Pattern Designers, 2013. 100 unique postcards: 10 stunning postcard designs each from 10 top women in design, curated by New York's celebrated Textile Arts Center. Includes a booklet about the designers, highlighting creative processes and influences. Contributors include: New York designers Shanan Campanaro (Eskayel), Brittany Keats Cerullo, Helen Dealtry, Leah Reena Goren, Hannah Schultz, and Leanne Shapton; California designers Jennifer Parry Dodge (Ermie) and Kindah Khalidy; and international designers Victoria Garcia (Australia) and Anna Niestroj of Blink Blink (Germany).

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