Postcard AU-758165

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travel time 28 days
distance traveled 9,576 miles
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postcard image of AU-758165
LLadrigan, United States of America
LLadrigan Postcrossing Supporter said:
posted over 3 years ago

Hello Michelle, Greetings from Galivants Ferry, South Carolina. No this is a perfect card for me. I do have a pen friend in Melbourne. We have been writing since the late 1990's. Not once did he tell me there was a cathedrals in Australia. It's nice to learn new things.
I know what you mean on getting post cards or letters from one place to another. I work for the post office here in the states and it is horrible. Especially the holiday season, it was really bad. We have a new Post Master General and I don't think he knows what he is doing. I can mail a post card to Germany and they will receive sooner than a post card to Toledo, Ohio. In fact it got lost and I sent her another card when it got closer to 60 days. The card going to Germany did arrive in less than two weeks. But it is getting a little better. Again, thank you for the card I really do love it.
Your friend Linda

rococoabean, Australia
rococoabean said:
posted over 3 years ago

Hi Linda - glad you liked the card! We do have cathedrals in Australia, but nothing as spectacular as this - it's from St Paul's Cathedral in London. Happy Postcrossing - Michelle :-)

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