Postcrossing Blog

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Today on the spotlight we feature ddonkey (aka Agata), from Croatia. She’s passionate about travelling, postcards and… donkeys! Check out her interview below:

How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?

I’ve been in love with postcards ever since I was a kid – who doesn’t love pretty portable pictures? But my first collection were stamps (equally pretty, with even greater portability!)

I first heard of Postcrossing on a Croatian PC magazine, on a section titled 'Try these websites’… which I did! Up until then I had collected blank postcards; but now I am crazy about written & stamped cards – a beautiful union of pictures, stamps, cancellations and personal messages :)

Do you have any other interesting hobbies?

I guess that would depend on what is considered interesting! As many people here on Postcrossing I love travelling and photography, my dream is to make that combination my job one day! I also like watching movies, reading, solving crosswords… nowadays I’m learning to play the guitar, fingers crossed!

Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!

I work on the bottom-left corner of this picture:

I go home every third week for a few days on average (more now in post-holiday season). This is why I send mail once a week when the company boat does its rounds. I get mail from people who come back from their days off – my mum and many here have been employed as mailmen :)

And this is me, mailing some postcards in Peru:

Show and tell us about your favourite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.

Here is a collage of donkey postcards:

donkey postcards

They are randomly chosen, or rather they represent the latest additions to my collection. I love donkeys because they are cute, sullen and under appreciated. I’d love to own a whole farm of donkeys! There are great farms in England and although Dalmatia is supposed to be their homeland, you rarely see them here these days… only in donkey races for the tourists in the summer!

What is your favourite part of the Postcrossing process?

Every true postcrosser enjoys sending as much as receiving. Apart from that, it is very gratifying when you receive a thank-you note – if the person loves your card, it can make you happy for the rest of the day! :)