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We all like to look at pretty postcards in each other’s walls… but sometimes the hassle of getting the scanner out or finding the right the cable for the camera is a bit too much work, right? We definitely understand.

Enter the new Google PhotoScan, a very simple “scanning” app which promises to take care of a few of the steps for you, such as removing glare, aligning corners and cropping the extra stuff — all right there on your phone. Have a look:

It’s advertised for photos, but works really well for postcards too, of course! Five clicks and you end up with a great photo of your postcard, trimmed and ready to be uploaded to the site. Pfeww… so much easier than the scanner! 😅

If you a have a smartphone, look for it on your Android or Apple app store!

PS – Thank you Danny (aka wildernesscat) for the tip!