
zjhzlk, United States of America
  • country U.S.A.
  • Member since Joined 4th Jan., 2009
  • icon Seen over 7 years ago

Receive postcards

About Kun...

Hi there,

Nice to meet you all here ^^.

My name is Kun. Currently, I am a postdoctoral research fellow in USA. ​ I'm originally from China (Hangzhou^^) and have been here in the United States for more than 7 years. I used to live in Ohio, and then relocated to New York city in Mar, 2011.

I like traveling, playing sports and of course collecting postcards. I always dream about traveling around the world. Over the past, I have been to many countries in Asia, Europe, North America, South America and Antarctica. It's really cool to meet people with different cultural background and to appreciate all the nature wonders. I also really look forward to visiting the rest 2 continents in early 2014. You can suggest me some nice places to go if you've been to Africa and Oceania before. One thing i am pretty sure in my mind is i will take a safari trip and climb Mount Kilimanjaro during my trip in Africa.

Currently, i have ~5000 postcards from more than 130 countries. I am going to gradually upload all my cards to http://kuuliu.blogspot.com/.

I'd like to receive postcard of city- or country-views (such as some images of your city or country like churches,Cathedrals, castles, streets, markets, etc. ), nature scenes (mountains, waterfalls, beaches, etc.) or map card if possible^^. I will be very happy If you can send me a card of these so called 'hard to get countries'.

Please no flower, animal, Christmas or cartoon card. I'm really not into these topics.

Though i currently live in NYC, i may send you a card of others US states or a card of other countries^^.




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