
vivalabriony, United Kingdom

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About Briony...

♥ Small minds discuss people
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Hello! I have only recently joined up as i think postcard collecting is a great way to learn about smaller villages and towns around the world, from the people that know it best!

My Requests are simple-
Cards that actually have something to do with your country!
I love old buildings, Castles etc.
Scenery from your country.
People in traditional dress, or even anything to do with your language :)

Even better if you are from:
Egypt- i love egyptology! Anything to do with your history would be great!
Japan- Another of my favorites. I love traditional Buildings, Dress, your cultures obsession with food, New Fashion trends, anime and other form of Cartoons, Scenery from the more traditional to the newer lights of your fast cities!
Greece- Greek Mythology is very interesting to me.
Germany- I am a big fan of folklore, and fairytales. Especialy things recorded by the brothers Grimm.
Finland (thankyou Marke)- The moomins!

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